"Gör" is a unique and visually impressive short film created by director/co-author Anna Roller and cinematographer Felix Pflieger, both students at Munich's HFF Film School. Bavarian state minister of culture Monika Grütters already recognized "Gör" with a German Short Film Award in November 2021. Now, the nine-minute opus is celebrating its premiere at the Max Ophüls Film Festival.
In the East Bavarian dialect, the word Gör is used to describe an ill-mannered child. Kitchen hand Mia, the central character in the short film, is still young enough to be scorned as a Gör by the people in her village, but she is also already mother to a school-aged boy. When he starts getting mobbed by his snooty classmates, Mia sees red and takes his revenge into her own hands.
"Gör" was filmed in the Upper Palatinate region of Germany, with ARRI Rental Munich providing the ARRI ALEXA 65 camera, Prime DNA lenses, and lighting package. We spoke with Roller and Pflieger about the film shoot and the collaboration with ARRI Rental.